Quantitative Psychological Theory and Musings

Friday, February 26, 2010


"Prozac and Celexa Exhibit Anti-Inflammatory Effects" is the headline in a Science Daily article today. 

This is conclusion is well within my paradigm. My paradigm says that risk aversion increases as mood decreases.  Anxiety, being an expected loss, lowers mood, which is the net rate of intake of reinforcement.  This serves the purpose of minimizing further losses of resource intake necessary for biological functioning.  The subjective value of losses increases, including those involving physical injury, as all gains and losses are translated into mood.

Given evidence, such that anxiety can worsen muscle spasms,which is well-known, and that spasms serve to protect inflamed areas of the body, to protect against further injury and/or facilitate repair, this isn't surprising.  Of course, we also know that stress can lower pain thresholds, conrolling for adrenaline spikes.

This is an example, not only of poor reporting, but of what seems to be the problem in the fields of the study of brain and behavior.  Most researchers don't seem to have an over-arching paradigm, such as the economics of behavior to guide them.

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